Safeguarding & Social Care

At Castleford Training Solutions (CTS) we are committed and passionate about offering a full range of courses to satisfy our customers’ requirements. The Level 3 Award in Principles of Safeguarding and Protecting Children, Young People or Vulnerable Adults fits in with most customers’ needs - whether that be coaching a junior sports team or working with vulnerable adults or elderly in a day care setting. This one-day course explores all aspects of Safeguarding, helping to fully equip the learner with the knowledge needed to cope with any situation they may find themselves in.

We are also developing a range of social care courses, these are classroom based courses that highlight on the theory and practical elements of the course without getting too tied down with power point presentations. These are bespoke courses and on completion a certificate of attendance will be issued. These courses can easily be used if you are looking to update your Continuing Personal Development (CPD) and a 'reflections' form can be issued afterwards if required.

Whether you choose the classroom-based option, or take the more flexible approach of booking onto an online course (Safeguarding), you will find yourself on a very rewarding and interactive course.

  • This qualification will provide an understanding of safeguarding which can be used in a workplace, activity group or other environment where a person has contact with children or adults at risk. The qualification provides learners with the knowledge to identify a safeguarding concern, listen and appropriately record a disclosure, and report to the appropriate person.

    This qualification is regulated in the UK by Ofqual and awarded by First Aid Awards (FAA).

    Whether you are looking for a Safeguarding course in Castleford, Leeds or West Yorkshire or Wigan, Manchester or Merseyside, Castleford Training Solutions can facilitate your needs. This qualification can also be delivered via on-line by either Zoom or Teams. Please contact us to discuss your requirements further.

    Classroom Course Length - 1/2 Day On-line Course Length - 2 hours

    £65.00 per person

    £390.00 per course (up to 8 learners) - Depending on method of delivery

    £585.00 per course (up to 12 learners) - Depending on method of delivery

  • This qualification is designed for a person who has contact with children, young people or vulnerable adults in their working environment including voluntary work. The qualification promotes awareness and sensitivity to safeguarding enabling learners to be able to identify issues and emphasises the responsibility to ensure that concerns are reported and acted on appropriately.

    This qualification is regulated in the UK by Ofqual and awarded by First Aid Awards (FAA).

    Whether you are looking for a Safeguarding course in Castleford, Leeds or West Yorkshire or Wigan, Manchester or Merseyside, Castleford Training Solutions can facilitate your needs. This qualification can also be delivered via on-line by either Zoom or Teams. Please contact us to discuss your requirements further.

    Classroom Course Length - 1 Day On-line Course Length - 4 hours

    £110.00 per person

    £660.00 per course (up to 8 learners) - Depending on method of delivery

    £990.00 per course (up to 12 learners) - Depending on method of delivery

  • This bespoke course is designed to allow the learners to start to understand autism. Through both practical and theory elements you will start to appreciate a group of conditions that make up the Autism Spectrum. Whether you are a First Aider or Medic who wants to broaden their knowledge on the subject so you can help a sufferer, or a trainer who wants to add to there skillset, this course is an ideal starting point. This course is also suitable for carers of adults or children who sufferer from Autism, whether that be a carer working within the care sector or looking after a family member.

    You will develop a greater understanding of the word Autism and as your knowledge grows though out the course you will be able to demonstrate through practical exercises the skills you have learnt. You will learn about some of the more common behavioural traits associated with the autism spectrum and how best to react to them.

    Upon completion of the course, the learner will receive a Castleford Training Solutions certificate of attendance.

    Classroom Course Length - 1/2 Day

    £70.00 per person

    £420.00 per course (up to 8 learners)

    £630.00 per course (up to 12 learners)

    Course Spec CTS/211/UAUT - Understanding Autism

  • The Dementia Awareness qualification that Castleford Training Solutions (CTS) offer is a bespoke course designed to give the learner a basic understanding of Dementia and how it affects the individual and their loved ones/carers. Through theory and practicals you will start to understand Dementia and how to help and understand a person living with condition and this course is delivered be a Dementia Friends Ambassador who is a passionate trainer in this subject.

    Whether you are looking for a Dementia Awareness course in Castleford, Leeds or West Yorkshire or Wigan, Manchester or Merseyside, Castleford Training Solutions can facilitate your needs. Please contact us to discuss your requirements further.

    Classroom Course Length - 3 hours

    £70.00 per person

    £420.00 per course (up to 8 learners)

    £630.00 per course (up to 12 learners)