For the love of blogs - episode 3

Yeah, I hear you cry, it’s that time again to find out what mischief Castleford Training Solutions (CTS) have been up to this time – “not a lot” in the words of a certain famous magician from many years ago!!! Actually, we have been up to lots of “good mischief” and all done “in the best possible taste” – another famous saying from the 80’s, I really am showing my age now, time to move on.

This week I thought I would talk about our highlighted course early on in the blog just to keep you guys on your toes, basically it’s because I have an awful habit of pressing the wrong button and losing all my work. Last week, 13th- 19th May, was Mental Health Awareness Week. This year’s theme was ‘Movement’ and was all about moving more for our mental health. Regular physical activity is known to improve mental health, improve a person’s quality of life and their wellbeing. It also has many health benefits too. Exercise releases “feel good” hormones that reduce feelings of stress and anger and can improve our sleep too. Taking part in exercise doesn’t have to include becoming a ‘gym bunny’, a simple walk outside in the fresh air, whether that be on your own or with a friend or group of friends, can help to start to alleviate the stresses and strains of everyday life. Discovering what works to gain and maintain ‘good mental health’ is a step in the right direction. No matter whether you are rich or poor, young or old anyone can struggle with their mental health and it is so important to keep talking. CTS deliver Level 2 First Aid for Mental Health and Level 3 Supervising First Aid for Mental Health. Our next available courses are Saturday 6th July 2024 at our training room near Leeds and Friday 14th June 2024 via Zoom respectively. These courses are delivered by our Head Trainer Shaun, who is very passionate about teaching the important role of being a first aider for mental health and how to support a conversation for someone in need.

Next item on the agenda…… AI – Artificial Intelligence!!!! Now maybe I am about to be replaced by AI (he or she may be much wittier than me and get me out of writing this damn blog – can it also get me out of the housework???). After speaking to Uncle Gary (who has been helping us in the background and is pretty knowledgeable especially with AI, basically he is obsessed – sorry Gary) we decided to try and produce an AI video to go on the front page of our website. After a couple of tweaks we ended up with an American bird and after having an emergency summit with our Head of IT (ie number one son), it was decided she was fired so it looks like I am stuck writing the damn blog for many more years to come, sorry guys!!! We are looking at other options for the front page of the website so watch this space.

What has happened over the last couple of days is we have a shop on the website – yeahhhhh. We have now started to sell some equipment that a first responder/medic could need at affordable prices. We accept card payments for these items and are currently working on a way to be able to offer this payment method for courses in the future. Sadly, we don’t offer Deliveroo at the moment but when we do, we will be able to deliver your pizza along with your shears just in case you need them to cut it up!!!!

Anyway, it’s time for me to go and order my pizza and shears so ta tah for now……



For the love of blogs - episode 4


For the love of blogs - episode 2