For the love of blogs - episode 12

Welcome back and a very happy new year to all my fans!!!  Yes, I know we are already in February but those that know me know that I love to be different and fashionably late. After the success of my last blog of 2024, I can confirm that my readership has increased from a lowly one person to a fab four – now that’s what I call progress. Obviously, my wit is what got people interested and maybe the photo of The Snowman came a close second, I guess we will never know.

Anyway, what do I talk about in this exciting episode? As well as delivering our normal courses of First Aid at Work requalification in the very exclusive location of York Racecourse, First Response Emergency Care (Frec 3), and Emergency First Aid at Work, we also offered our CPD course Understanding Life-Saving Medication which was warmly received by all who attended. We hold many varied open courses at our training room near Leeds, and the dates for the rest of the year are displayed on our website, along with the content of each course. Harry delivers our CPD courses and is a lecturing paramedic who is a huge integral part of the team and has a fabulous way of explaining the most complicated subject matter and making it easy to understand. The next CPD course is being held on Saturday 8th March at our training room near Leeds and is Understanding Catastrophic Bleed. We also have an Understanding ECG’s Part 1 on Saturday 26th April where you get to dissect a lamb’s heart and gain a better understanding of the workings of the heart and how this amazing organ plays such an important role in keeping us alive every second of every day. We have spaces on both these courses and if anyone wants to know more or book a place please get in touch with us, we are a friendly bunch.

More exciting news is our new range of medical flashcards. These cards come in two sizes, credit card size and A5. Now these cards have at times, pushed my patience to the limits – a bit like the infamous Frec 3 book which we don’t need to talk about ever again, but Shaun has spent many an hour/day along with lots of swearing creating, printing and laminating these cards, nearly resulting in a divorce, again!!! Having said that they are excellent cards he has created (I really shouldn’t give him any more reason to brag) which give lots of useful bitesize pieces of information about numerous medical conditions. I mean who doesn’t want to know the Bristol Stool Chart – every good medically minded person needs one of these stupendous cards in their wallet along with their bank !!! Just be mindful when trying to pay for your shopping in Aldi that you don’t accidentally try to use it to pay and on that matter I think we better leave it there. Anyway, if you do want to see this card along with the others they can be found in our shop, on eBay and very shortly in our new Etsy shop – I know we are getting posh now. You can also purchase any of these bad boys on any of our courses as we have a fancy display stand for them along with card wallets to hold the credit card size ones or if you want, we have available to purchase a A5 folder which can hold the larger cards – see we have thought of everything.

The infamous Bristol Stool Chart

Other good news is I have finally finished and passed my Frec 4 course!!! Yep, the course that caused me to go grey and then start to lose my hair and apparently, I was a “nightmare to live with” the last few weeks – why only the last few weeks? Before anyone asks no I am not going to do my Frec 5 nor am I going to be a paramedic unless anyone knows a good place to get a realistic wig from, let me know and I might consider it……might.

I think that’s probably more than enough information to help you have a power nap. I mean please feel free to spread the word about an amazing blog you read, and then can you kindly let me know the details and I will read it – only joking. You know this is the most entertaining one around and I really need to keep my fab four readers happy. Maybe I need to branch out into a podcast – there are lots of so called “celebrities” who make a living out of talking total and utter sh... but then again, I might get cancelled as some individuals may not appreciate my northern banter.

Anyway chucks, it’s time for me to go but you can rest assure I will return with yet more “northern humour” very soon.

Si’thi’ later




For the love of blogs - episode 11